Benjamin Button

I’m imagining if nature didn’t have a trustworthy order; where in a tree full of leaves, the life cycle wasn’t birth, life, death, decay but rather, 50% of leaves would take on a random order of the four inherent stages of nature and the other 50% would take on the phases in the way we know them reliably to be.

I’m imagining walking in the conventional full bloom of spring or summer, glancing up and rather than seeing a canopy of bright green, life-full, hydrated life, seeing a mish-mash potpourri blend of all four cycles, in tandem, giving no clue to a time structure I’ve grown entitled to. How after every winter, the promise of spring, of greenery, of life re-beginning, for my enjoyment, wonder, inspiration and should I so choose, a moment to be a part of a great time-lapse.

How can a force be so reliable, generous, formidable? An indicator of sign, season, and trustworthiness I (sometimes/often) take for granted.

Don’t even get me started on how every morning the sun rises in the east (always the east!) and sets in the west. No spoof of North to south or hide and seek, I don’t feel like it. But always, always, right on time, just where it said it would be tomorrow.

And what if (!?) everything in nature had an iPhone battery life indicator above it, like in Free Guy, illuminating how an infinite number of things around me are in different states of birth, growth, release, decay and ending, just like me, my loved ones, my community, and communities I’ve yet to know.


Influence + Serendipity


You’re standing at the doorway of existence